Sunday, 5 January 2014

Body Comes to Life in Graveyard

It seems the dead are coming back to life in Brazil. However you shouldn’t worry that we are
beginning the start of the zombie apocalypse! A woman was practically scared to death when she
was visiting a grave of a family member when a man appeared to come alive from a shallow grave.
Originally the woman thought the man was dead and had come back to life. The woman heard a
muffled noises, so she went to see where it was coming from and a head and arms were flailing
around as a man was trying to get out. The unnamed woman ran off fearing for her life,
however she returned to find the man alive and not the undead, so she called the emergency
At first they didn’t actually believe her and thought it was a hoax, leading the woman to go
to the cemetery office and get them to confirm there was in fact a man half buried alive in a grave. Emergency services arrived and found the man barely conscious as they dug him out of his
shallow grave.
Dramatic footage of the rescue can be seen below on the news reel released. It is believed that the
man was found nearly a week ago and he is now said to be recuperating in the local hospital.
According to local police officer in the area of Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Sao Paulo, they believe
they the man a former city hall worker, had been involved in a fight somewhere else. He was
beaten unconscious and then taken to the graveyard and dumped in a shallow grave by his assailants and partially covered with dirt.
This isn’t the first attack in the country where someone was assaulted and dumped in a
graveyard. In September a homeless man was hit over the head with a shovel, suffocated with a plastic bag until he passed out and stripped
naked. He was buried in the sand, by his three teenage attackers. Unfortunately despite best efforts he died later in hospital after a witness
reported the crime. The teenagers were arrested at the scene by police.

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